Game engine providing full Python scripting support
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CApplicationDriver code for the game application
 CCollision2DComponentComponent for handling 2D collisions
 CTextureComponentComponent to render an image to the screen
 CDeleteFontFunctorDelayed deletion of an TTF_Font so a shared_ptr can hold onto this resource
 CDeleteTextureFunctorDelayed deletion of an SDL_Texture so a shared_ptr can hold onto this resource
 CGameObjectMain unit of gameplay which contains and updated components
 CInputSingleton class for polling and retrieving input from the user
 CKeyStateSimple POD struct holding the state of a key press
 CMouseClickSimple POD struct holding the state of any mouse click
 CMouseMotionSimple POD struct holding the state of any mouse motion
 CResourceManagerSingleton class which stores and manages resources like fonts and images
 CSceneManagerSingleton manager for running the active scenes and swapping scenes out
 CScriptedSceneC++ container for the Python logic that runs a scene
 CVector2Simple container for position data