Game engine providing full Python scripting support
CApplication | Driver code for the game application |
▼CComponent | |
CCollision2DComponent | Component for handling 2D collisions |
▼CScriptComponent | |
CPyScriptComponent | |
▼CTextureComponent | Component to render an image to the screen |
CTextTexture | |
CTransform | |
CDeleteFontFunctor | Delayed deletion of an TTF_Font so a shared_ptr can hold onto this resource |
CDeleteTextureFunctor | Delayed deletion of an SDL_Texture so a shared_ptr can hold onto this resource |
▼Cstd::enable_shared_from_this | |
CGameObject | Main unit of gameplay which contains and updated components |
CInput | Singleton class for polling and retrieving input from the user |
CKeyState | Simple POD struct holding the state of a key press |
CMouseClick | Simple POD struct holding the state of any mouse click |
CMouseMotion | Simple POD struct holding the state of any mouse motion |
CRenderer | |
CResourceManager | Singleton class which stores and manages resources like fonts and images |
CSceneManager | Singleton manager for running the active scenes and swapping scenes out |
CScriptedScene | C++ container for the Python logic that runs a scene |
CVector2 | Simple container for position data |